Tuesday, October 12, 2010

6 weeks

Just sat down last night and realized what a wild & insane 6 weeks we've just lived through.

3 out of town visitors: my brother, Jason; our friend from Czech, Greg; and Ken's parents
1 huge 50th anniversary party for my parents
1 very swanky birthday party for my brother while he was visiting
1 huge & sweaty birthday party for my 2 sons who played night games with 25 of their friends
5 birthdays celebrated with meals & special desserts
2 anniversaries: our 19th and Ken's parent's 47th

Also during this 6 weeks my husband started a new job and my co-worker went out on an undetermined medical leave of absence, increasing both my work load at the office and adding 4 weeks of preparing & teaching Bible Study.

I'm about to enter two huge weeks of travel and speaking for me followed by a huge halloween party at our house. Anyone think a nice break in November sounds good???? Yep!

So glad for the family & friends we've hosted, for the parties we've enjoyed, for the people we can honor and love, and for 3 solid, long term marriages to celebrate. Just feeling a little tired and sugar-ed-out by now - and we haven't even entered the holiday season!

So much life to celebrate and experience in these last 6 weeks. I'm grateful (and ready for a nap!)

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