Tuesday, October 12, 2010

17th Communion

This Sunday was my oldest son's 17th birthday. We celebrated communion as part of our church service that morning. I was sitting there with a sick little girl sprawled across my lap. I was humming along to the beautiful music and enjoying the atmosphere of communion as much as the taking of the actual elements. As I was sitting there my huge man-child stepped out of his seat and walked up front to take communion. He does this normally but it touched a very sweet part of my Mother's heart for him. To be able to sit there surrounded by my family and to see my oldest publicly partake of communion and proclaim his faith was so sweet. It made me start to cry, which startled my other son who thought I was sick or a little loony. Nope, just so content and proud of my son and rejoicing to be able to watch his growing body and growing faith this year.

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