Any of you enjoy Shaun White's gold medal half pipe run as much as we did? We were thrilled to see the half pipe event since this is rarely shown on European coverage of the olympics. I was knitting away and enjoying the snowboarders and commenting occasionally on how low they can hang their snowpants...and then the last run of Shaun White came up. He'd already won the gold based on his score from his first run through the pipe - and the celebration had already started. His coach told him to pull out that hidden, secret move that everyone knew about but nobody had seen. The move was huge - as were his other 5 that we just kind of hum drummed through waiting for THE BIG ONE. The white snake. Something that sounds like a McDonalds flip...whatever you want to call it.
I call the new move - in fact the entire run - the Needle Put-Down because it was so exciting and engaging that I put down the knitting needles just to watch! Now that is an exciting move! Knitters world wide put down the needles and watched this great show of athleticism and showmanship.
Think I should write to Shaun and tell him to rename the White Snake the Needle Put Down?!
Haha... YES! Write him!! :D
:) I've been thinking about you. Hope your family is doing well.
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