Saturday, November 8, 2008

Swiss Cheese Scarf

While checking my Jane Austen Book Club on Ravelry today, I ran acros this scarf. (One of the many things I love about the Ravelry forum is the cross polinisation of ideas/patterns/yarns/people). I loved the design and geometry of this scarf. I knit a geometrically designed scarf last year but it ended up being thick and rough - so it looks great but doesn't get much wearing time. This design might lighten up the geometry problem and make this scarf a wearing favorite.

It looks as if you need about 1-2 skeins depending on how wide & long the pattern repeat is knit. I have a couple in my stash that would love to come out and try something new. The big question is: solid or multicolored? I posted three different photos from people's projects just to give some examples of the pattern in solid or multicolored. Both call to me. I have both in my stash. Any opinion? This would be a great time to leave a comment or post a message on Ravelry with your thoughts.

(Don't say do one of both because my needles are over-committed as it is...but I haven't ruled out that possibility for the long run!)


sayslisa said...

my vote is: take a look at your wardrobe, and whichever one would go with more... make that. :) they both look really pretty.

beccafredo said...

I LOVE the multi-colored! So that's my vote. =) (look, I voted!)