Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter Gingerbread

We received a wonderful treat today - homemade easter gingerbread cookies. It is a European custom to decorate shaped gingerbread cookies for many holidays. Intricate patterns and hand cutting make each cookie a piece of art. Often the cookies are gorgeous but not so tasty to eat. However, these cookies were thick and soft and chewy and little pieces of art. I almost felt bad enough to slow down before gobbling up my second...and nibbling the head off an Easter chicken for my third cookie.

A note to my dear friend, Fur Jeans: I so missed you for coffee and cookies! This photo is to let you know that your place at the island was empty and I missed you. I didn't save you a cookie. In comfort to your feelings, the third cookie I ate was in your honor!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am honored! (Say that with a Steve Martin French accent!) Ha!
Seriously though, they must have been good for YOU to have 3! Wish I could have been there for the coffee and the cookies and the company! Been missing you too, and will be happy to reclaim my place at your island soon!
Oh, and your countdown is FREAKIN me OUT! yikes!
See you soon!